Batch Disposition


Persistent’s Batch Disposition application provides an intuitive and dynamic interface which automates the drug packaging workflow, leading to increases in efficiency and transparency across the various teams involved.  The application contains processes which smoothly handle the creation of batch records with unique package lot numbers, attachment of electronic documents, and batch review. Co-Packers can create batch records with unique package lot numbers. Business users can add additional electronic documents and send the batch for review. Then the required authority can approve, reject or request for correction while reviewing the created batch record. Each of the decision leads to different process workflows that route the batch appropriately.

Key Features

  • Every batch is given a unique number which cannot be repeated across the lots
  • Workflows for batch disposition creation and review allow for increased efficiency and reduced costs
  • Minimize paperwork with flexible workflows which increase efficiency and reduce costs
  • User-level authorization ensures information is passed securely across various departments
  • Audit trail functionality to help maintain accountability and transparency
  • Document storage and ability to upload artwork associated with medication labels
  • 3-D security provides additional user authentication functionality prior to task completion
  • Document generation based on information captured in the process
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