COE + AppCop


COE + AppCop gives control and transparency to Center of Excellence (COE) operations both downstream and upstream of the COE.

  • Facilitate communication:
    • Development teams can raise a new release for their workstream, giving the COE better visibility of working currently in development
    • Development teams can collaborate with COE on releases, peer reviews, risks and issues
    • The COE can raise general alerts as well as targeted alerts linked to code artefacts which are displayed to teams when they view their release or upload code with an associated alert
    • The COE can automatically produce a report documenting everything about the release including details of peer reviews undertaken, risks and issues raised, decisions made and key milestones for consumption by stakeholders and other interested parties
    • Record decisions made between parties
  • Control risks, issues, and milestones
    • Add identified risks into the COE application and work on plans to mitigate those risks with automated risk ratings
    • Add issues the have been detected in peer review or that have materialized from risks
    • Assign a RAG status to configurable release milestones such as test automation coverage, CAB submission and architectural review
    • Code collision detection
  • Peer review automation
    • Teams can submit code for peer review and received an excel file response, allowing them to check their code before formal submission to COE
    • The COE automated peer review is stored against a release and issues can be created directly from the results
    • Automated peer reviews are run against a series of configurable rules for each project. Rules can have their priority changed, be switched on or off and have configuration values such as naming conventions specified within the context of a project or development stream
    • Automated peer reviews do not replace human peer reviews or health check analysis but frees up time for the COE to focus on architecture, performance, and user experience

Key Features & Functionality

Key Features:

  • Release management
  • Automated peer reviews with configurable rules that are project specific
  • Code collision detection
  • Issue tracking
  • Risk tracking
  • Decision logs
  • Automated release report (PDF)
  • Potential integration to DevOps tools such as Azure and Jira
  • hello team,

    Facing below error in COE AppCop Run.  Process was working fine till last week. Is the related to the licences? Please update.

    2024-07-12 01:42:04,989 [Appian Work Item - 38634 - WorkID 72 - execution02 - process 538600029 - model 47907 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=536880034, classname=com.procensol.plugin.appcop.smartservices.AppCopStandardsIncpector
    com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException: userMsg[Invalid configuration, please contact admin.=???Invalid configuration, please contact admin.???] alertMsg[Invalid configuration, please contact admin.=???Invalid configuration, please contact admin.???]
    at com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException$
    at com.procensol.plugin.appcop.smartservices.BaseSmartService.createException(
    at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.framework.DefaultActivityExecutor$1.lambda$call$0(