Date Conversion & Operations

Provides the following additional functions which perform date conversion and operations:

  1. Convert List of Date of String Type (any format) into List of Date (any format including Appian format)
  2. Get all the Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) between two dates
  3. Get the List of Dates between Start Date and the End Date (Including/excluding start as well as end date)
  4. Get the Last Date of any month, including leap years e.g. 29th February
  5. Check whether the Target Date is in between Start Date Range and the End Date Range (Including start and end dates)
  6. Get the Week Count of a Year till the provided Date as an input
  7. Get the Day Count of a Year till the provided Date as an input
  8. Get the Short or Full form of the Day Name based on the given Date, such as: if Today’s Date is 23-06-2017, this returns "Friday" as the full form and "Fri" as the short form
  9. Get the Day Count till the given Date input in this week, where the count will begin from Sunday (or) Monday of the same week.