Encryption Utils


Security functions to encrypt, decrypt, encrypt with a pem file (public key) and generate a randomizer string for security purposes can work in diferent scenarios and requeriments.

Key Features & Functionality

Security functions to encrypt , decrypt , encrypt with a pem file (public key) and generate a randomizer string for security purposes can work in diferent scenarios and requeriments

  • getkeyaes256base : Generate a aes key for encryption or decryption in each interaction focus for proceses and call services that need this functionality
  • getencrypttextwithkeyaes, encrypt a given text with a given key n each interaction focus for proceses and call services that need this functionality
  • getdecrypttextwithkeyaes, encrypt a given text with a given key n each interaction focus for proceses and call services that need this functionality
  • getpemtextencryptwithpemfile, with a pem file that have a public key you can encrypt a key with the public key ( specific requierement)
  • getrandompasswordgeneratorstring random string with diferente configurations use of numbers , letters , both and length
  • Does this plugin support decryption using a private pem key similar to encrypt "getpemtextencryptwithpemfile()"?

  • Yes you can use it with a pem file your pem has to have 

    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    the method of encryption 
    but your private key is for you to decrypt with a diferent plugin because that function was created with a specific need to encrypt data with a pem file with public key and inside of the customer organization to decrypt with the private key
  • Yes you can use it with a pem file your pem has to have 

    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    the method of encryption 
    but your private key is for you to decrypt with a diferent plugin because that function was created with a specific need to encrypt data with a pem file with public key and inside of the customer organization to decrypt with the private key