This component plug-in provides an interface to highlight the recognized entities and the functionality to add or remove specific entities for different entity types. It can be used to allow users to fill the recognized values in user forms directly from a click on the user interface. From the interface, the user can take action and accordingly the event data is passed in the output.
fn!entityRecognizerDisplayField() - this is the name of the new function plugin available on interfaces. This takes the standard JSON format to identify the entities which are compatible to AWS entity recognition API even it will work with any entity recognition vendor if you pass in that data to it in the standard JSON format.
Example - {{type: "ORGANIZATION", text: "Appian"}, {type: "LOCATION", text: "New York"}} where "type" (Place/Organization/Person etc) and "text" (Value for entity type) can be any text values as per your need.
A user can click on the context menu to generate the event and the designer can configure the appropriate action when an entity is added or removed.