Excel Template Merge

Excel Template Merge is a simple yet powerful plug-in, created to allow custom templates or formatting to be used while generating excel documents. Once installed, two smart service nodes will become available – ‘Append Sheets’ and ‘Consolidate Sheets’, both of which serve a specific purpose, depending on the use case.

The ‘Append Sheets’ smart service is used to vertically or horizontally append large amounts of data, without the requirement of specific formatting, however it still allows the usage of custom headers. The ‘Consolidate Sheets’ smart service is used where specific, custom formatting is required. For example, where there is a need for tables or headers to be used in multiple areas of the sheet.

  • Hello,

    I tried using same excel document for template - first tab for one report  and 2nd tab for another report. While the reference to first works, for the second templateSheetIndex: 1 gives outofbound exception. Is this a known issue? 

    Also, we see this when we open generated report:

  • Hello,

    I tried using same excel document for template - first tab for one report  and 2nd tab for another report. While the reference to first works, for the second templateSheetIndex: 1 gives outofbound exception. Is this a known issue? 

    Also, we see this when we open generated report:

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