Know Your Customer Questionnaire


KYC (Know Your Customer) is a deeply complex requirement of all financial institutions. The demands of this process are a moving target with shifting regulations, all the while under threat of heavy fines and diminished customer reputation.

A central obligation is to gather customer information from your clientele to ensure that bad actors are identified early in the process. These forms can be convoluted and typically need to be maintained by your developers which is an expensive undertaking.

To accelerate your ability to both implement and manage your various KYC Questionnaires, Macedon has introduced the KYCQ module. This is an extension of our Dynamic Question Survey application (DQS) that has been tuned specifically for KYC. Embedding this tool in your onboarding, recertification, and other processes will drastically reduce your time to delivery on new questionnaire types, variable changes by product, and adjustments for regulatory change.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Administrators can create and modify questionnaires
    • Use front-end tools to create questions by defining their type (ie. text, dropdown, etc.), setting conditional visibility, and possible selections
    • Organize questions into questionnaires
  • Set flags for increased visibility by answer (identify high risk responses)
  • Manage various products and associated questionnaires for easy mapping to existing processes
  • Embed questionnaire into any workflow and connect to clients or other entities
  • Maintain audit trail of previous questionnaires
  • Leverage the power of Appian throughout to call integrations, trigger parallel processes, and more

Benefits & Business Impact

Our solution will free up large quantities of development time typically dedicated to maintaining KYC tools by empowering your non-technical users to keep your data collection up to date. It will improve customer experience by using simple conditional logic to limit the quantity of questions asked. Most importantly, the solution will enable your business to quickly respond to regulatory changes.
