

This component offers the possibility to display a pdf document coming from an https reply with the help of PDF.js. This extension doesn't store the document in Appian.

Key Features & Functionality

The Appian parameters of the pdfDocumentViewer are the following ones:

  • label (Appian standards)
  • labelPosition: (Appian standards)
  • height : (Appian standards)
  • webapiHttpMethod (Type Text): for example "GET", (all normalized http verbs are supported but the good practices for this use case is the GET verb ... no extra http body is supported)
  • webapiHttpHeaders (Type Dictionary):for example {Authorization:"Basic fsddsfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf"},
  • webapiURL (Type Text): for example :"https://mywebapi.mycompany.com?documentId=123fgdggdgTTTTTTTT"
  • webapiPropagateAppianHttpAuthentication (boolean) propagate or not the current Appian Http Authentication session in the call (set it to true only if you want to call an Appian mechanism with the current auth information, false otherwise)

NB: the remote service should be CORS enabled and HTTPS protected for the calling Appian platform Access-Control-Origin and return the pdf document in the body of the reply
