Advanced Report Builder


Have you ever had to call your support team to get a report which fulfills specific criteria or had to ask your project team to create a custom report for everyone's need? Procensol's Advanced Report Builder aims to resolve these critical problems. Once installed on your environment, it only needs basic configuration to access your pre-existing database views and available reports for the users. In case your system has multiple external parties involved, the utility gives you the flexibility to wrap a security layer around to make sure the individual reports are exposed to correct users.

Users can view the data in a table or a pictorial format (Pie chart, Bar chart, Column chart & Line chart) with an ability to aggregate data on each column. Users can also download the report in excel format maintaining the order of columns selected when creating the report. As data will be leaving the system in excel format, one can lock down the export to excel; one can also configure it as part of the security layer to restrict who has the ability to export system data. For audit purposes, every report generated is logged in the database.

A user can also save and share the report with other users and business units in the system, with security controls to govern the sharing down to a per user level of granularity. The utility also allows you to automatically send periodic reports to users via email. The utility provides various options for periodic reports which has four core time frames: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Once the user saves a report, a user can access them from the 'My reports' link within the utility. All the functionality listed above pertains to the launch version of Procensol's Advanced Report Builder, with plans for region based default filtering, modular reporting capability, and additional features in the future release roadmap.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Quick and easy to configure
  • Have your own security layer on top
  • Choose your report and define your own filters
  • Save and share report
  • Periodic reports
  • Logging and audit
  • Charts (Pie, Bar, Column & Line)
  • Aggregation of data
  • Hi SurajitSen,

    Report builder is a paid tool, To get this tool please click on 'Contact Author' button on the right panel to discuss the accessibility and cost in detail.




  • Hi Pritam,

    Report builder allows the user to access the information and download it in excel format without accessing the designer. It comes with its own site with a feature to embed it in your application wherein it can consume the your security setup desired. If you application is based on Tempo, we can allow it to use through Tempo as well. To know more, please click on 'Contact Author' button on the right panel so that we can discuss your scenario in detail.




  • Hi currently we are in need of an ability to create and export report(s) related to individual agent metrics for a selected period of time. How can we get this feature without the designer login? Thanks! 

  • Can you please let me know how can I get this Report Builder plugin and what about it's cost?