SAIL Tools


This tool simplifies creating and managing the Appian manifests and files needed for Appian's Component Plug-ins.  It allows developers to focus on the HTML and JavaScript of their Component Plug-ins and provides a testing framework that mocks the Appian JavaScript APIs.

  • The wizard will help you create appian-component-plugin.xml which is your project's manifest and will auto-generate component folders with proper versioning and naming conventions.
    • The wizard will continue to function as long as the appian-component-plugin.xml is valid, and all rule folders are present with proper properties files. You may edit these files manually, however, the wizard cannot function if there are errors in your manifests
  • The testing framework automatically opens your component in your computer's default browser. The framework automatically parses the component inputs and generates an input field which allows you to send new inputs and view the output values. Component validations are printed to the browser's console, and you can save default test inputs (a default input JSON file is generated at test-time). 
    • Note: Neither Internet Explorer nor Safari supports the test framework. Please use Chrome or Firefox.