SAPPA Map Component


Currently, users have been using existing web services provided by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure of South Australia to search for an address, however, the users of the system wanted the ability to be able to select a property from a map as well where the address of the property was unknown. Planners at DPTI wanted the ability to be able to select a parcel from a map provided by SAPPA and return back a set of GIS spatial related information associated with that land parcel. The data returned back from the spatial map would then be displayed to the end users.

Key Features and Functions 

SAPPA is the custom mapping solution provided by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure of South Australia

  • Allows users to be able to search for an address and have the map re-centre based on the location that has been entered. The address is looked up against DPTI's internal GIS spatial database
  • Users can zoom and pan manually around the map
  • Users can then select a land parcel and the GIS spatial information related to that parcel is then stored in an event which can then be queried by the Appian developers
  • Currently returned back information includes:
    • Address
    • Folio
    • Parcel Identifier
    • Parcel Number
    • Parcel Type
    • Plan Number
    • Plan Parcel
    • Plan Type
    • Prefix
    • Valuation
    • Volume