SharePoint Direct Connected System


SharePoint Online supports uploading files upto 250 GB. On Appian platform the default file size limit is 1 GB which can be increased to 2 GB. There are instances where we might be interested in uploading files that are bigger than this limit.

The connected system along with the SAIL component provides the functionality where in files (including one that are bigger than 1GB) are broken down to smaller chunks and uploaded to SharePoint using Microsoft Graph Rest APIs. Also, the files are not stored in Appian and are directly streamed to SharePoint from the SAIL component, this means we don't need to double handle the document. This connected system provides support functionalities needed for the SAIL Component - sharePointDirectField

Key Features and Functionality

  • Securely contain the credentials for the connectivity to SharePoint
  • Client API for creating the upload session
  • Client API for Deleting the file if triggered from the UI when uploading