Text Parse to SQL V22


This plugin can be used to insert records into a table using the MySQL queries generated after the plugin is processed. It can be applied in any business domain that deals with transactional data.

Key Features & Functionality

Text Parse to SQL V22 is capable of reading any delimiter-separated tabular data from various files .txt, .csv & .tsv.

  • Accepts a file with single/multiple tabular data and generates SQL queries for respective tables with column names as per user inputs.
  • Validates every record in the table using a value format/regex pattern provided.
  • Skips the Record that doesn’t match per validation during the process and generates no SQL query for that particular record.
  • Disregard the superfluous text that sits between any two tables.
  • With the guidance of the table column’s start and end indexes, fixed positional tables can be read with ease.

Note: This plug-in works only until Appian Version 22.4

Your feedback is valuable as we continue to refine and enhance this tool.
For support, please contact us at machint-plugins.support@machintservices.com