USPS Address Validation Connected System


Having a valid address is a necessity for most of the businesses to deliver goods, mail, etc. The USPS Address Validation Connected System uses the USPS Web Tool Kit APIs to validate any USA address. An address can consist of Address Line, City, State code, Zip. If any information in the user entered address is incomplete, this plug-in helps to get a valid, complete address.

Key Features & Functionality

With this plug-in you can:
  • Validate USA address with address line, city, state, zip
  • Get the valid address with completed information filled in the response
  • Get details about an invalid address, which can help the user to correct the address


  • Mandatory parameters are USPS API URL and USER ID
  • USPS API URL will be
    • It is kept configurable in case USPS shares different URL for Development
  • USER ID is generated by signing up on the USPS web portal
    • Check USPS Web Tool Kit APIs for registering yourself to get a USER ID