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Free Appian Certification exams at Appian World.
Check off getting Appian certified from your New Year's resolution list! Register for Appian World and schedule a free Appian certification exam. Don't miss this opportunity to certify your Appian skills and take the next step in your career.
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AI retooling the financial services sector.
Amid a revolution in the financial services sector, AI is no longer just a buzzword. It’s a genuinely transformative force. Find out how AI is revolutionizing the financial services sector.
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We want to hear from you.
Share your feedback and experience with the Appian Platform on one of our trusted review sites. Your insights matter and can help others discover the benefits of using and developing with Appian.
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Upcoming Events
Appian World 2024, April 15-17.
Appian World is the ultimate destination for the latest in artificial intelligence, process automation, and digital transformation. You’ll hear from experts, share your successes, and build lasting connections. We hope to see you in Washington, DC, April 15–17, 2024.
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Developer Day at Appian World 2024.
Join us for Developer Day on Monday, April 15. Engage in a pre-conference day with a developer-focused keynote, instructor-led workshops, Tech Talks, networking with peers from around the globe, and more. Spots will fill up quickly.
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Webinar: AI Solutions in Government Casework.
Discover how AI revolutionizes case management in the public sector. Learn practical applications, security measures, and real-world use cases from GovExec, Appian, and AWS. Enhance government missions and customer experiences.
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Appian Community YouTube
Livestream: 2024 Live Build Challenge.

The Appian World Live Build Challenge is back! Get ready for the ultimate developer showdown. Join us on Wednesday, April 17, as teams of three race against the clock to build winning apps. Who will claim the $30,000 cash prize and bragging rights? Find out live!
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Enhance Your Learning
Manage robots with the Operations Console.
Check out this new course to learn how to leverage the Appian RPA Operations Console to create, manage and troubleshoot robots and robotic task executions. This course is designed for both Appian RPA developers and non-technical Operations Managers.
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Featured courses: Appian Applied.
Maximize learning with both self-paced online and instructor-facilitated applied training. This approach ensures developers have a well-rounded grasp of the what, when, and how of Appian. Applied courses expand upon online training with a hands-on, project simulation experience.
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Pay once, get training all year.
Invest in Appian training the simple way. Become self-sufficient in Appian with unlimited instructor-led training and other benefits at a flat-rate annual fee. Reach out to training@appian.com with questions.
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