Dynamic DocGen

DocGen module can used as standalone or integrated with existing Appian solutions to standardized template creation and management that can be used by various clients and cases, eliminating any redundancies, enabling clients to save time and reduce costs

Why we built this?
Documentation assembly challenges in Legal Industry (and other industries as well)
  • Managing the continual influx of evidence in the form of documents and images and ensuring they‚Äôre properly cleaned and edited for use in court.
  • While many legal documents are now sent via email, the widespread use of smartphone cameras and other digital tools means that critical documents could take the form of .JPG, .TIFF, raster, or PDF files. 
  • There are multiple variants of the same document based on the matter type and client. For one lifecycle of a personal injury matter, the total number of documents could amount to few 100‚Äôs
  • Legal industry users need a tool to create templates for all standard agreements like Non-Disclosure, Partnership, Lease or Rental Deed, etc., and generate final agreements on the fly based on the data in the system saving time and eliminating chances of any manual errors.
How it helps the legal tech?
DocGen module can used as standalone or integrated with existing appian solutions to standardized template creation and management that can be used by various clients and cases, eliminating any redundancies, enabling clients to save time and reduce costs. Using DocGen module you can 
  1. Template : Create templates that covers the most common use cases.
  2. Questionnaire: Build a simple, self-explanatory questionnaire with in-built guidance on the possible options and associated risks.
  3. Document: Complete the questionnaire, download and, if needed, submit to the legal department.

  • 澳大利亚的大学对于学术论文的要求非常严格,包括内容的原创性、引用格式的规范性以及逻辑结构的严密性等。留学生作业代写服务提供者需要熟悉不同学科的学术规范,如APA、MLA、Chicago等引用格式,并能够严格按照这些规范进行写作。此外,澳洲高校对学术诚信非常重视,任何形式的抄袭都会受到严厉的惩罚,因此,代写服务需要确保论文的原创性和学术诚信。

  • 澳大利亚的大学对于学术论文的要求非常严格,包括内容的原创性、引用格式的规范性以及逻辑结构的严密性等。留学生作业代写服务提供者需要熟悉不同学科的学术规范,如APA、MLA、Chicago等引用格式,并能够严格按照这些规范进行写作。此外,澳洲高校对学术诚信非常重视,任何形式的抄袭都会受到严厉的惩罚,因此,代写服务需要确保论文的原创性和学术诚信。

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