
A smart timesheet app that reduces redundant, needless work and makes it as painless and simple for employees, supervisors, HR, and Finance to manage employee time and pay.

I work for a contracting company working as a sub for another contractor working for a government agency. I have to fill out three timesheet apps every single day. What I and my colleagues have noticed is that virtually all timesheet applications are a painful nuisance to fill out. There's all kinds of needless extra steps to do before you just fill in the time. For instance, every two weeks you have to go searching for time codes until you find the one for your job position, over and over. I've been doing the same job for 3 years, and I've filled in that same input about 156 times when I could just as easily have done it only once, and once again when I'm actually on a different project.
We decided we wanted to create better. We wanted to create a timesheet application that eliminated all the extra work and made it as painless as possible for the employee, the supervisor, HR, Finance, everyone involved. We wanted an app that made it as fast and simple as possible to fill in time, submit, review, approve timesheets, and create invoices.
Our goal is to create an app simple enough that employees will be happy to fill in, in order to drive compliance up to 100 percent.
Dylan was able to create a bespoke record to use for a Report, and use that to build charts and grids, and that was a vast improvement over the method for combining graphs, charts, and grids in the past. The ability to integrate charts and grids directly with the records was instrumental in this application being built.
We also found an extremely cool lifehack around editable grids. By not showing the columnHeaders, we were able to add richText to the first row of the editable grid allowing us to dynamically change the styling to showcase which days were weekends, which really helps find the right cell and not fat-finger hours into the wrong slot, as well as using color to highlight which column of the timesheet is Today.
Box layout for radio buttons were widely used, because it just makes such a bigger target, and so much easier to click. I also personally got my first real experience discovering how very, very useful fv!isFirst and fv!isLast can be. Don't know why it didn't come up sooner, but those two function variables were vital to the success of some forEach functions used in the construction of the timesheet interface.

  • 个性化定制是Paper代写        http://www.pnstudy.com    机构满足客户需求的重要方面。每个客户的需求都是独特的,具有不同的主题、要求和写作风格。因此,代写机构需要根据客户的具体要求,提供个性化的写作服务。例如,机构应详细了解客户的写作要求,包括文章主题、字数要求、格式要求、参考文献和引用标准等,并根据这些要求进行定制化写作。此外,代写机构还应与客户保持紧密的沟通,了解客户的写作偏好和风格,并在写作过程中不断调整和改进,确保最终的文章能够完全满足客户的期望。个性化定制不仅能够提高客户的满意度,还能增强客户对机构的信任和忠诚度。

  • 个性化定制是Paper代写        http://www.pnstudy.com    机构满足客户需求的重要方面。每个客户的需求都是独特的,具有不同的主题、要求和写作风格。因此,代写机构需要根据客户的具体要求,提供个性化的写作服务。例如,机构应详细了解客户的写作要求,包括文章主题、字数要求、格式要求、参考文献和引用标准等,并根据这些要求进行定制化写作。此外,代写机构还应与客户保持紧密的沟通,了解客户的写作偏好和风格,并在写作过程中不断调整和改进,确保最终的文章能够完全满足客户的期望。个性化定制不仅能够提高客户的满意度,还能增强客户对机构的信任和忠诚度。

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