Screen Smart

The app is an intelligent pre-screening solution that screens candidates from LinkedIn & other social/public platforms to find the fittest candidates. The app addresses the long hours recruiters put on unwanted/suspicious profiles for the given positions.

Our Inspiration:

Our talent recruitment team is overwhelmed with the higher number of openings, and they have an uphill task of shortlisting suitable candidates for the interview. Recruitment is a manual, time-consuming task where the recruitment & the interviewing team have to spend long hours shortlisting a candidate. On top of that, post-COVID pandemic, our recruitment team found 25% of profiles suspicious or fraud on different sources of data on the internet for each position, hence spending an average of 20+ hours a week on profiles which should ideally be rejected in the first place.


Our Solution:

This problem pushed us to think of any possible way to find the best profiles for the interviews in an automated way to find more appropriate talent in a lesser time. At the same time, a way to identify the suspicious profiles early in the screening process.
We developed this application on Appian that empowers the recruitment team to automatically enrich the candidate profile from multiple sources like LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub. The data collected is then analyzed intelligently to check if the profile matches the weighted match criteria defined in the application. This way, we get the results that are more suited to our needs.
The application brings the concept of Match Score, which is an easy way for the recruitment team to identify the right profiles for a job. The match score is an intelligently calculated score by the app based on how well the candidate profile matches the established criteria and how much it is cross-validated from multiple other data points. The Match score keeps on changing as more and more data is associated with the profile.
Finally, the applications also allow the recruitment team to perform virtual pre-screening assessment interviews. The application offers easy-to-use configurations for the recruitment team to specify the questions they would like to ask. Usually, these questions are the ones that can elicit more details about the candidate's profile, skill set. This video content is used to verify the skills identified from the unified data of LinkedIn, GitHub, and Twitter. If there is a mismatch of the user photo (for example, the LinkedIn photo does not match the Video assessment photo, etc.). The same is flagged as a suspicious profile.

Technology Stack:

1) Appian - core platform for building the entire application and connecting with multiple other technologies
2) Phantom Buster - for ease of integration with LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub.
3) AWS Lambda - to run core extraction/ ingestion logic runs on the scraped data from LinkedIn.
4) AWS S3 - for storing different profile pics, video recordings 
5) AWS Transcribe - converts the video speech into text.
6) AWS Rekoginition - to compare the profile images.
7) AWS Comprehend - for sentiment analysis, entity, and key phrases identification, etc. 
8) AddPipe - provides a ready-to-use platform for live video recording

  • Excelling in Nursing Education: Proven Strategies for Success


    Excelling in nursing education requires a blend of academic excellence, clinical competence, and personal resilience. With the right strategies and mindset, you can navigate the challenges of nursing school and emerge as a skilled nurs fpx 4060 assessment 3 disaster recovery plan and compassionate nurse. In this guide, we'll explore proven strategies that will help you excel in your nursing education and prepare you for a successful career in healthcare.

    1. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives:


    Define Your Purpose: Reflect on your passion for nursing and the impact you hope to make in healthcare. Understanding your motivations will keep you focused and driven throughout your educational journey.



    Set SMART Goals: Establish Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for your academic and professional development. Clear objectives provide direction and help you track your progress.


    2. Develop Effective Study Habits:


    Create a Study Schedule: Design a study schedule that allows dedicated time for lectures, readings, assignments, and review sessions. Consistency and routine are essential for effective studying.



    Utilize Active Learning Techniques: Engage actively with the material by taking thorough notes, participating in discussions, and teaching concepts to others. Use visual aids, nurs fpx 6030 assessment 5 evaluation plan design mnemonics, and practice questions to reinforce learning.


    3. Cultivate Clinical Competence:


    Participate Actively in Clinical Experiences: Take advantage of clinical rotations, simulations, and skills labs to develop essential clinical skills and gain hands-on experience. Seek out opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.



    Seek Feedback: Welcome feedback from clinical instructors, preceptors, and peers. Use constructive criticism to improve your clinical practice and enhance your professional growth.


    4. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-being:


    Maintain Balance: Balance your academic responsibilities with self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation, nurs fpx 4050 assessment 2 and socializing. Prioritize adequate sleep, nutrition, and downtime to prevent burnout.



    Manage Stress Effectively: Develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. Seek support from friends, family, or counseling services if needed.


    5. Foster Professional Development:


    Stay Informed: Stay updated on current trends, research, and evidence-based practices in nursing. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to expand your knowledge and skills.



    Network and Collaborate: Build professional relationships with classmates, faculty members, and healthcare professionals. Seek mentorship from experienced nurses and engage in interdisciplinary collaborations to enhance your professional development.



    Excelling in nursing education requires dedication, perseverance, and effective strategies. By implementing the proven strategies outlined in this guide, nurs fpx 4020 assessment 2  you'll be well-equipped to succeed in nursing school and lay the foundation for a fulfilling career in healthcare. Remember to stay focused on your goals, prioritize self-care, and embrace opportunities for growth and development. With determination and resilience, you can achieve excellence in your nursing education and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

  • Excelling in Nursing Education: Proven Strategies for Success


    Excelling in nursing education requires a blend of academic excellence, clinical competence, and personal resilience. With the right strategies and mindset, you can navigate the challenges of nursing school and emerge as a skilled nurs fpx 4060 assessment 3 disaster recovery plan and compassionate nurse. In this guide, we'll explore proven strategies that will help you excel in your nursing education and prepare you for a successful career in healthcare.

    1. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives:


    Define Your Purpose: Reflect on your passion for nursing and the impact you hope to make in healthcare. Understanding your motivations will keep you focused and driven throughout your educational journey.



    Set SMART Goals: Establish Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for your academic and professional development. Clear objectives provide direction and help you track your progress.


    2. Develop Effective Study Habits:


    Create a Study Schedule: Design a study schedule that allows dedicated time for lectures, readings, assignments, and review sessions. Consistency and routine are essential for effective studying.



    Utilize Active Learning Techniques: Engage actively with the material by taking thorough notes, participating in discussions, and teaching concepts to others. Use visual aids, nurs fpx 6030 assessment 5 evaluation plan design mnemonics, and practice questions to reinforce learning.


    3. Cultivate Clinical Competence:


    Participate Actively in Clinical Experiences: Take advantage of clinical rotations, simulations, and skills labs to develop essential clinical skills and gain hands-on experience. Seek out opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.



    Seek Feedback: Welcome feedback from clinical instructors, preceptors, and peers. Use constructive criticism to improve your clinical practice and enhance your professional growth.


    4. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-being:


    Maintain Balance: Balance your academic responsibilities with self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation, nurs fpx 4050 assessment 2 and socializing. Prioritize adequate sleep, nutrition, and downtime to prevent burnout.



    Manage Stress Effectively: Develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. Seek support from friends, family, or counseling services if needed.


    5. Foster Professional Development:


    Stay Informed: Stay updated on current trends, research, and evidence-based practices in nursing. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to expand your knowledge and skills.



    Network and Collaborate: Build professional relationships with classmates, faculty members, and healthcare professionals. Seek mentorship from experienced nurses and engage in interdisciplinary collaborations to enhance your professional development.



    Excelling in nursing education requires dedication, perseverance, and effective strategies. By implementing the proven strategies outlined in this guide, nurs fpx 4020 assessment 2  you'll be well-equipped to succeed in nursing school and lay the foundation for a fulfilling career in healthcare. Remember to stay focused on your goals, prioritize self-care, and embrace opportunities for growth and development. With determination and resilience, you can achieve excellence in your nursing education and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

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