Screen Smart

The app is an intelligent pre-screening solution that screens candidates from LinkedIn & other social/public platforms to find the fittest candidates. The app addresses the long hours recruiters put on unwanted/suspicious profiles for the given positions.

Our Inspiration:

Our talent recruitment team is overwhelmed with the higher number of openings, and they have an uphill task of shortlisting suitable candidates for the interview. Recruitment is a manual, time-consuming task where the recruitment & the interviewing team have to spend long hours shortlisting a candidate. On top of that, post-COVID pandemic, our recruitment team found 25% of profiles suspicious or fraud on different sources of data on the internet for each position, hence spending an average of 20+ hours a week on profiles which should ideally be rejected in the first place.


Our Solution:

This problem pushed us to think of any possible way to find the best profiles for the interviews in an automated way to find more appropriate talent in a lesser time. At the same time, a way to identify the suspicious profiles early in the screening process.
We developed this application on Appian that empowers the recruitment team to automatically enrich the candidate profile from multiple sources like LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub. The data collected is then analyzed intelligently to check if the profile matches the weighted match criteria defined in the application. This way, we get the results that are more suited to our needs.
The application brings the concept of Match Score, which is an easy way for the recruitment team to identify the right profiles for a job. The match score is an intelligently calculated score by the app based on how well the candidate profile matches the established criteria and how much it is cross-validated from multiple other data points. The Match score keeps on changing as more and more data is associated with the profile.
Finally, the applications also allow the recruitment team to perform virtual pre-screening assessment interviews. The application offers easy-to-use configurations for the recruitment team to specify the questions they would like to ask. Usually, these questions are the ones that can elicit more details about the candidate's profile, skill set. This video content is used to verify the skills identified from the unified data of LinkedIn, GitHub, and Twitter. If there is a mismatch of the user photo (for example, the LinkedIn photo does not match the Video assessment photo, etc.). The same is flagged as a suspicious profile.

Technology Stack:

1) Appian - core platform for building the entire application and connecting with multiple other technologies
2) Phantom Buster - for ease of integration with LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub.
3) AWS Lambda - to run core extraction/ ingestion logic runs on the scraped data from LinkedIn.
4) AWS S3 - for storing different profile pics, video recordings 
5) AWS Transcribe - converts the video speech into text.
6) AWS Rekoginition - to compare the profile images.
7) AWS Comprehend - for sentiment analysis, entity, and key phrases identification, etc. 
8) AddPipe - provides a ready-to-use platform for live video recording

  • Unveiling the Role of an Online Nursing Tutor Master in Nursing Paper Writing Services


    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the advent of online learning has revolutionized the way students approach their studies. For nursing students grappling with the challenges of balancing coursework, clinical placements, and personal commitments, the services of an online nursing tutor master have become indispensable. nurs-fpx 4900 assessment 4 In this article, we delve into the significance of these experts in the realm of nursing paper writing services, shedding light on how they can assist students in excelling in their online classes.

    The Rise of Online Learning:

    The twenty-first century has witnessed a paradigm shift in education, with online learning emerging as a dynamic alternative to traditional classroom settings. As nursing programs increasingly migrate to digital platforms, students are presented with a unique set of challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the demand for high-quality academic papers that reflect a deep understanding of nursing concepts and critical thinking skills.

    Enter the Online Nursing Tutor Master:

    A beacon of support for nursing students navigating the complexities of online education is the online nursing tutor master. NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the virtual classroom, guiding students through the intricacies of nursing coursework. Their expertise extends beyond conventional teaching, encompassing the crucial domain of paper writing services.

    Understanding the Challenges:

    Nursing students often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of coursework, clinical hours, and the pressure to maintain academic excellence. The task of crafting well-researched and articulate papers can be daunting, especially for those grappling with time constraints and other commitments. This is where the role of an online nursing tutor master in nursing paper writing services becomes pivotal.

    Customized Assistance for Online Classes:

    The phrase "do my online class" resonates with students seeking personalized assistance in their virtual academic journey. Online nursing tutor masters specialize in tailoring their support to meet the unique needs of each student. NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Quantitative Research Questions and Methods Whether it's clarifying complex concepts, providing guidance on paper structure, or offering constructive feedback, these experts play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience.

    Expert Guidance in Nursing Paper Writing:

    Navigating the intricacies of nursing paper writing requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, impeccable research skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Online nursing tutor masters bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, ensuring that students receive expert guidance in crafting papers that meet the highest academic standards.

    Time Management and Accountability:

    One of the challenges students face in online classes is the need for effective time management. Juggling multiple responsibilities can lead to procrastination and a rushed approach to assignments. online course services  An online nursing tutor master serves as a source of accountability, helping students structure their time effectively and prioritize their academic commitments.

    Breaking Down Complex Concepts:

    Nursing is a multifaceted field, encompassing a wide array of complex concepts and theories. Online nursing tutor masters excel in breaking down these intricacies, providing students with a clear understanding of the subject matter. This clarity is instrumental in producing well-informed and coherent papers that showcase a deep comprehension of nursing principles.

    Constructive Feedback for Continuous Improvement:

    Constructive feedback is a tutor for nursing students cornerstone of academic growth. Online nursing tutor masters engage in a collaborative process with students, offering feedback that goes beyond correcting errors. This feedback serves as a roadmap for continuous improvement, empowering students to refine their writing skills and excel in their online classes.

    The Ethical Dimension of Assistance:

    In the realm of online nursing paper writing services, ethical considerations are paramount. An online nursing tutor master operates within the framework of academic integrity, guiding students to develop their skills rather than providing ready-made solutions. nursing tutors online This approach ensures that students not only excel in their current courses but also develop the critical thinking skills necessary for their future careers in nursing.


    In the dynamic landscape of online education, the role of an online nursing tutor master in nursing paper writing services cannot be overstated. These professionals serve as mentors, guides, and collaborators, offering a personalized approach to support students in their academic journey. As the demand for online learning continues to grow, the partnership between students and online nursing tutor masters is poised to play a Tutors club pivotal role in shaping the future of nursing education.

  • Unveiling the Role of an Online Nursing Tutor Master in Nursing Paper Writing Services


    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the advent of online learning has revolutionized the way students approach their studies. For nursing students grappling with the challenges of balancing coursework, clinical placements, and personal commitments, the services of an online nursing tutor master have become indispensable. nurs-fpx 4900 assessment 4 In this article, we delve into the significance of these experts in the realm of nursing paper writing services, shedding light on how they can assist students in excelling in their online classes.

    The Rise of Online Learning:

    The twenty-first century has witnessed a paradigm shift in education, with online learning emerging as a dynamic alternative to traditional classroom settings. As nursing programs increasingly migrate to digital platforms, students are presented with a unique set of challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the demand for high-quality academic papers that reflect a deep understanding of nursing concepts and critical thinking skills.

    Enter the Online Nursing Tutor Master:

    A beacon of support for nursing students navigating the complexities of online education is the online nursing tutor master. NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the virtual classroom, guiding students through the intricacies of nursing coursework. Their expertise extends beyond conventional teaching, encompassing the crucial domain of paper writing services.

    Understanding the Challenges:

    Nursing students often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of coursework, clinical hours, and the pressure to maintain academic excellence. The task of crafting well-researched and articulate papers can be daunting, especially for those grappling with time constraints and other commitments. This is where the role of an online nursing tutor master in nursing paper writing services becomes pivotal.

    Customized Assistance for Online Classes:

    The phrase "do my online class" resonates with students seeking personalized assistance in their virtual academic journey. Online nursing tutor masters specialize in tailoring their support to meet the unique needs of each student. NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Quantitative Research Questions and Methods Whether it's clarifying complex concepts, providing guidance on paper structure, or offering constructive feedback, these experts play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience.

    Expert Guidance in Nursing Paper Writing:

    Navigating the intricacies of nursing paper writing requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, impeccable research skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Online nursing tutor masters bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, ensuring that students receive expert guidance in crafting papers that meet the highest academic standards.

    Time Management and Accountability:

    One of the challenges students face in online classes is the need for effective time management. Juggling multiple responsibilities can lead to procrastination and a rushed approach to assignments. online course services  An online nursing tutor master serves as a source of accountability, helping students structure their time effectively and prioritize their academic commitments.

    Breaking Down Complex Concepts:

    Nursing is a multifaceted field, encompassing a wide array of complex concepts and theories. Online nursing tutor masters excel in breaking down these intricacies, providing students with a clear understanding of the subject matter. This clarity is instrumental in producing well-informed and coherent papers that showcase a deep comprehension of nursing principles.

    Constructive Feedback for Continuous Improvement:

    Constructive feedback is a tutor for nursing students cornerstone of academic growth. Online nursing tutor masters engage in a collaborative process with students, offering feedback that goes beyond correcting errors. This feedback serves as a roadmap for continuous improvement, empowering students to refine their writing skills and excel in their online classes.

    The Ethical Dimension of Assistance:

    In the realm of online nursing paper writing services, ethical considerations are paramount. An online nursing tutor master operates within the framework of academic integrity, guiding students to develop their skills rather than providing ready-made solutions. nursing tutors online This approach ensures that students not only excel in their current courses but also develop the critical thinking skills necessary for their future careers in nursing.


    In the dynamic landscape of online education, the role of an online nursing tutor master in nursing paper writing services cannot be overstated. These professionals serve as mentors, guides, and collaborators, offering a personalized approach to support students in their academic journey. As the demand for online learning continues to grow, the partnership between students and online nursing tutor masters is poised to play a Tutors club pivotal role in shaping the future of nursing education.

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