Screen Smart

The app is an intelligent pre-screening solution that screens candidates from LinkedIn & other social/public platforms to find the fittest candidates. The app addresses the long hours recruiters put on unwanted/suspicious profiles for the given positions.

Our Inspiration:

Our talent recruitment team is overwhelmed with the higher number of openings, and they have an uphill task of shortlisting suitable candidates for the interview. Recruitment is a manual, time-consuming task where the recruitment & the interviewing team have to spend long hours shortlisting a candidate. On top of that, post-COVID pandemic, our recruitment team found 25% of profiles suspicious or fraud on different sources of data on the internet for each position, hence spending an average of 20+ hours a week on profiles which should ideally be rejected in the first place.


Our Solution:

This problem pushed us to think of any possible way to find the best profiles for the interviews in an automated way to find more appropriate talent in a lesser time. At the same time, a way to identify the suspicious profiles early in the screening process.
We developed this application on Appian that empowers the recruitment team to automatically enrich the candidate profile from multiple sources like LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub. The data collected is then analyzed intelligently to check if the profile matches the weighted match criteria defined in the application. This way, we get the results that are more suited to our needs.
The application brings the concept of Match Score, which is an easy way for the recruitment team to identify the right profiles for a job. The match score is an intelligently calculated score by the app based on how well the candidate profile matches the established criteria and how much it is cross-validated from multiple other data points. The Match score keeps on changing as more and more data is associated with the profile.
Finally, the applications also allow the recruitment team to perform virtual pre-screening assessment interviews. The application offers easy-to-use configurations for the recruitment team to specify the questions they would like to ask. Usually, these questions are the ones that can elicit more details about the candidate's profile, skill set. This video content is used to verify the skills identified from the unified data of LinkedIn, GitHub, and Twitter. If there is a mismatch of the user photo (for example, the LinkedIn photo does not match the Video assessment photo, etc.). The same is flagged as a suspicious profile.

Technology Stack:

1) Appian - core platform for building the entire application and connecting with multiple other technologies
2) Phantom Buster - for ease of integration with LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub.
3) AWS Lambda - to run core extraction/ ingestion logic runs on the scraped data from LinkedIn.
4) AWS S3 - for storing different profile pics, video recordings 
5) AWS Transcribe - converts the video speech into text.
6) AWS Rekoginition - to compare the profile images.
7) AWS Comprehend - for sentiment analysis, entity, and key phrases identification, etc. 
8) AddPipe - provides a ready-to-use platform for live video recording

  • Uplifting the Field of Nursing Education: Engaging with the Wisdom of Accomplished Professionals


    In the realm of healthcare, nursing stands as a cornerstone, providing essential care and support to patients in various settings. As the field of nursing continues to evolve and expand, so does the importance of nursing education in preparing competent and compassionate nurses. To navigate the complexities of modern healthcare, aspiring nurses must engage with the wisdom of accomplished professionals. In this article, we explore how engaging with seasoned mentors and experienced educators uplifts the field of nursing education, interview and interdisciplinary issue identification shaping the next generation of nurses.

    The Significance of Nursing Education

    Nursing education serves as the foundation upon which future nurses build their careers. It encompasses a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students to deliver safe, effective, and patient-centered care. From anatomy and physiology to pharmacology and clinical rotations, nursing education equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in diverse healthcare settings.

    However, the journey to becoming a proficient nurse extends beyond textbooks and lectures. It requires guidance, mentorship, and real-world experience to navigate the complexities of patient care. This is where the wisdom of accomplished professionals becomes invaluable.

    Engaging with Seasoned Mentors

    Seasoned mentors, with years of experience in clinical practice and education, play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of nurses. Their wealth of knowledge, gained through years of hands-on experience, offers invaluable insights and perspectives that cannot be found in textbooks alone.

    For nursing students, engaging with seasoned mentors provides a unique opportunity to learn from real-world scenarios and case studies. Mentors can share practical tips, clinical pearls, and evidence-based practices that are essential for success in the field. Whether it's mastering a complex nursing procedure or navigating ethical dilemmas, mentors offer guidance and support every step of the way.

    Moreover, mentors serve as role models, embodying the qualities of compassionate care, professionalism, and lifelong learning. By observing their mentors in action, nursing students gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a competent and empathetic nurse.

    Learning from Experienced Educators

    In addition to clinical mentors, experienced educators play a vital role in uplifting the field of nursing education. These educators bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, delivering engaging lectures, facilitating interactive discussions, and providing hands-on learning experiences.

    Experienced educators go beyond teaching the fundamentals of nursing practice; they inspire students to think critically, communicate effectively, nurs fpx 4010 assessment 2 and advocate for their patients. Through their passion for teaching and commitment to excellence, educators instill a sense of purpose and pride in their students, motivating them to strive for greatness in their careers.

    Furthermore, experienced educators stay abreast of the latest advancements in healthcare and educational technology, ensuring that their curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date. By incorporating innovative teaching methods and interactive learning tools, educators create dynamic and engaging learning environments that foster student success.

    Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

    One of the greatest challenges in nursing education is bridging the gap between theory and practice. While textbooks and lectures provide a solid theoretical foundation, students must learn how to apply that knowledge in real-world clinical settings. This is where the guidance of seasoned mentors and experienced educators becomes invaluable.

    Mentors and educators work collaboratively to create experiential learning opportunities that allow students to put their knowledge into practice. Whether it's through simulation exercises, clinical rotations, or hands-on workshops, students have the opportunity to develop clinical skills, critical thinking abilities, and confidence in their abilities.

    Moreover, mentors and educators provide constructive feedback and guidance, helping students identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for success. By working closely with experienced professionals, nurs fpx 4900 assessment 1  students gain the confidence and competence needed to excel in their nursing careers.

    Fostering a Culture of Lifelong Learning

    In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, lifelong learning is essential for staying current and competent. Seasoned mentors and experienced educators serve as advocates for lifelong learning, inspiring students to continue their education and professional development beyond graduation.

    By sharing their own experiences of ongoing learning and professional growth, mentors and educators demonstrate the importance of staying curious, adaptable, and open to new ideas. They encourage students to pursue advanced certifications, attend conferences, and participate in continuing education programs to expand their knowledge and skills.

    Furthermore, mentors and educators serve as mentors and role models, demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning in their own professional lives. By leading by example, they instill a culture of continuous improvement and excellence that extends throughout the nursing profession.


    Engaging with the wisdom of accomplished professionals is essential for uplifting the field of nursing education. Through mentorship, experienced educators, and lifelong learning opportunities, nursing students gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in their careers. By fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence, seasoned mentors and educators shape the next generation of nurses, ensuring that they are prepared to meet the challenges of modern healthcare with compassion, competence, and professionalism.

  • Uplifting the Field of Nursing Education: Engaging with the Wisdom of Accomplished Professionals


    In the realm of healthcare, nursing stands as a cornerstone, providing essential care and support to patients in various settings. As the field of nursing continues to evolve and expand, so does the importance of nursing education in preparing competent and compassionate nurses. To navigate the complexities of modern healthcare, aspiring nurses must engage with the wisdom of accomplished professionals. In this article, we explore how engaging with seasoned mentors and experienced educators uplifts the field of nursing education, interview and interdisciplinary issue identification shaping the next generation of nurses.

    The Significance of Nursing Education

    Nursing education serves as the foundation upon which future nurses build their careers. It encompasses a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students to deliver safe, effective, and patient-centered care. From anatomy and physiology to pharmacology and clinical rotations, nursing education equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in diverse healthcare settings.

    However, the journey to becoming a proficient nurse extends beyond textbooks and lectures. It requires guidance, mentorship, and real-world experience to navigate the complexities of patient care. This is where the wisdom of accomplished professionals becomes invaluable.

    Engaging with Seasoned Mentors

    Seasoned mentors, with years of experience in clinical practice and education, play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of nurses. Their wealth of knowledge, gained through years of hands-on experience, offers invaluable insights and perspectives that cannot be found in textbooks alone.

    For nursing students, engaging with seasoned mentors provides a unique opportunity to learn from real-world scenarios and case studies. Mentors can share practical tips, clinical pearls, and evidence-based practices that are essential for success in the field. Whether it's mastering a complex nursing procedure or navigating ethical dilemmas, mentors offer guidance and support every step of the way.

    Moreover, mentors serve as role models, embodying the qualities of compassionate care, professionalism, and lifelong learning. By observing their mentors in action, nursing students gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a competent and empathetic nurse.

    Learning from Experienced Educators

    In addition to clinical mentors, experienced educators play a vital role in uplifting the field of nursing education. These educators bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, delivering engaging lectures, facilitating interactive discussions, and providing hands-on learning experiences.

    Experienced educators go beyond teaching the fundamentals of nursing practice; they inspire students to think critically, communicate effectively, nurs fpx 4010 assessment 2 and advocate for their patients. Through their passion for teaching and commitment to excellence, educators instill a sense of purpose and pride in their students, motivating them to strive for greatness in their careers.

    Furthermore, experienced educators stay abreast of the latest advancements in healthcare and educational technology, ensuring that their curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date. By incorporating innovative teaching methods and interactive learning tools, educators create dynamic and engaging learning environments that foster student success.

    Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

    One of the greatest challenges in nursing education is bridging the gap between theory and practice. While textbooks and lectures provide a solid theoretical foundation, students must learn how to apply that knowledge in real-world clinical settings. This is where the guidance of seasoned mentors and experienced educators becomes invaluable.

    Mentors and educators work collaboratively to create experiential learning opportunities that allow students to put their knowledge into practice. Whether it's through simulation exercises, clinical rotations, or hands-on workshops, students have the opportunity to develop clinical skills, critical thinking abilities, and confidence in their abilities.

    Moreover, mentors and educators provide constructive feedback and guidance, helping students identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for success. By working closely with experienced professionals, nurs fpx 4900 assessment 1  students gain the confidence and competence needed to excel in their nursing careers.

    Fostering a Culture of Lifelong Learning

    In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, lifelong learning is essential for staying current and competent. Seasoned mentors and experienced educators serve as advocates for lifelong learning, inspiring students to continue their education and professional development beyond graduation.

    By sharing their own experiences of ongoing learning and professional growth, mentors and educators demonstrate the importance of staying curious, adaptable, and open to new ideas. They encourage students to pursue advanced certifications, attend conferences, and participate in continuing education programs to expand their knowledge and skills.

    Furthermore, mentors and educators serve as mentors and role models, demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning in their own professional lives. By leading by example, they instill a culture of continuous improvement and excellence that extends throughout the nursing profession.


    Engaging with the wisdom of accomplished professionals is essential for uplifting the field of nursing education. Through mentorship, experienced educators, and lifelong learning opportunities, nursing students gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in their careers. By fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence, seasoned mentors and educators shape the next generation of nurses, ensuring that they are prepared to meet the challenges of modern healthcare with compassion, competence, and professionalism.

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