Simple Classroom

Simple Classroom is a Virtual Classroom Application with a powerful content management system for teachers to share lecture materials, create/grade various types of tests and assignments, and offers analytical data on each class/student's progress.

I want to apologize in advance if this is a repeat submission. My previous submission form was stuck at Review and I wasn't sure if it was sent.
I was inspired to build this project from to all the online courses I am taking during the COVID era. There is nothing wrong with the Virtual Conferencing aspect since there are many established tools out there such as Teams, Zoom, WebEx etc. However, when it came to content creation management, it is surprisingly lacking. A lot of online courses out there have limited testing options and a lot of assignments are uploaded/emailed. Different classes from the same institution will have different websites for some reason. There would be no statistics regarding the tests/questions/assignments you have done online either. The mobile support was also lackluster. I have been using Appian since version 6 and I realized that the Appian platform is perfect to manage all this. I registered for an Appian trial and decided to see how far I could go by spending a few hours a day for two weeks.

I heavily leveraged the Site and Record Type objects in Appian. I created five types of user groups: Principal, HR, Teachers, Students, and Parents. Each of them will have their own Site landing page.
-The principal will be able to create new classroom and see general statistics.
-The HR will be able to enroll new teachers/students and approve class registrations.
-The Teachers will be able to edit each Class Record and customize it so the students can see the relevant information. They are also able to create a Schoolwork data type object which could be anything ranging from quizzes, exams, assignments, projects etc as long as the student need to submit a response and have it graded. The analytical class/individual results will be available for the teacher to see. The teacher can also control the grading scheme of the class and participate in class discussion board.
-The Students are able to easily find their classes (Class Record) and any Schoolwork assigned to them (tasks). They can also see their Schoolwork results, see the Schoolwork answers, and look at the performance statistics.
-Parents are able to have a read-only view of their children's class to follow along.

Each class's classroom will be a Record. The teacher will be able to edit the Views of this Record such as the class landing page, syllabus page, lectures page, and grading page. The teacher will also be able to create various types of schoolwork such as tests and assignments with 7 different types of question format. The student can enter a response, choose from multiple choices, true/false or upload a document to these questions. Depending on the nature of the question, the question could be marked automatically. The results of each schoolwork are recorded in detail for each individual that took them. If the question was answered correctly, what score was received, feedback from grader, time taken and much more. There is also a hashtag feature that tracks what category each question/schoolwork is. This allows the students/teachers to see statistically what area the student is struggling with. Parents can see the progress as well.

Working as an individual participant that started two weeks before the deadline, time constraint and limited options available to me using an Appian trial were the only struggles I encountered. I did not figure out how to create database views in the Appian trial so the data available could definitely be improved. I was not able to use enterprise tools for PDF generation to generate a report card and AI and reporting (such as PowerBI) to create better statistical results (this is a licensing issue as I am participating as an individual). However, this could be easily integrated later.

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  • Thank you for sharing your experience and the incredible work you've done with Simple Classroom. It's evident that you've put a lot of thought and effort into addressing the shortcomings of existing virtual classroom tools and creating a comprehensive solution.

    Your dedication to improving content management and testing options for online courses is commendable. The features you've implemented, such as customizable class records, various types of schoolwork, and detailed analytical data, demonstrate a deep understanding of the needs of both teachers and students.

    The integration of Appian's platform and leveraging Site and Record Type objects to create user-specific landing pages is innovative and shows your resourcefulness in finding the right tools for the job.

    Despite the time constraints and limitations of the Appian trial, you've managed to create a robust platform that addresses key pain points in online education. Your commitment to continuous improvement, including future integrations for PDF generation and advanced reporting, is inspiring.

    As a participant from Buddy Assignment Help, we appreciate the opportunity to learn about your project and the potential it holds for enhancing the online learning experience. We look forward to seeing how Simple Classroom evolves and how it can benefit educators and students alike.

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  • Excellent Apps! I am so happy to see this useful virtual classroom application with many more features like teachers can share lecture materials, create various types of tests and assignments, and offer analytical data on each class/student's progress, etc. I hope this simple classroom application is a complete solution for online education. As a student, I am always checking this academic solution blog where they share various tips and advice for college students that helps to enhance their academic performance and grades. Anyway, I appreciated the developer who makes this online education management software.