
*** 1st Place ***
Trackable is the first-ever Appian live tracking application, focused on Covid Vaccine distribution.

Covid-19 vaccines are the fastest vaccines ever created. In mankind's fight against a pandemic we saw ourselves racing against time. As each passing day meant losing more lives and quite often someone near and dear to us. The entire world ramped up its capabilities to create this fastest vaccine and we believed that the technology supporting the delivery, distribution and administration should also be given a face lift. And so we came up with Trackable. 

Technologies Used
We built using the Appian platform's Appian Process models, SAIL and objects. Also build custom Live tracking component. 
The Custom Live Tracking Map component was built using JavaScript Location API to get the current location of the user and the location will be pinpointed in Map with animation. Frequency can also be set. Optionally we show the navigation for the source and destination of the user.

Ideation and Building custom component took some time. But we were able to achieve it. 


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  • Nie wiesz, który bukmacher w Polsce dokładnie spełni Twoje oczekiwania? Odwiedź stronę i dowiedz się więcej o popularnych bukmacherach, którzy pokażą Ci, na czym polega dobra obsługa. Możliwość obstawiania w czasie rzeczywistym dodaje adrenaliny i emocji. Koniecznie wypróbuj wszystkie funkcje tych bukmacherów, ponieważ mogą one zapewnić Ci niezapomniane wrażenia.

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