Claimant Dashboard

Modern Claims Dashboard with Seamless Navigation

This design concept prioritizes a user-friendly experience for both claimants and Credit Union representatives. It utilizes a modern aesthetic with rounded layouts, shadows, and a subtle color palette, reminiscent of secure online portals.

Key Features

  • Intuitive Side Panel: A sleek, selectable side panel powered by a!paneLayout (released in 23.4) offers seamless navigation between various claim views. This allows users to jump quickly to the information they need.
  • Actionable Call to Action Cards: Prominent call-to-action buttons sit conveniently at the top, allowing users to get started with core actions like submitting a new claim.
  • Smart Notification System: A notification bell icon displays the number of unread notifications. Clicking it reveals detailed information within the main view, including links to specific claims for immediate access. The "x" button allows for easy clearing of notifications.
  • Filter by Relevance: The main view provides a toggle between "Recent Claims" and "Needs Attention," allowing users to swiftly narrow down their focus based on claim urgency.
  • Card-based Claim Feed: Claims are presented as a clear and concise feed utilizing card layouts. Each card displays a status icon (stamp), claim number, and the primary insured's name.
  • Expandable Claim Details: Users can expand individual claims to access high-level details. Additionally, options are provided for further details, claim milestones, and related actions.
  • Action Buttons: Each claim card includes relevant action buttons like "Upload Document," "View Documents," and "Go to Comments," streamlining the claims management process.
  • Visual Insights: A status pie chart on the right-hand side offers a visual representation of claim progress at a glance.
  • Claims Assistant: This innovative feature could utilize a generative AI chatbot. Users can ask questions about specific claims or simply click the Sparkles "Summarize" button to receive a high-level overview of claim statuses, recommended actions, and relevant links.
  • Reusable Components: All components are designed for modularity. They can be easily integrated into other UI components and accept data in various formats (maps, dictionaries, or records).
  • Single-UI Codebase: While the Inspiration page showcases the entire code within a single UI for presentation purposes, the code can be effortlessly split into reusable sub-interfaces for efficient development.