Rental Property Management

This Property Dashboard streamlines property management with clear, actionable insights into financial health, tenant satisfaction, and overall property performance, ensuring your success.

  • Supported Languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish
  • New Features (Post-Version 23.4): Horizontal Line for improved UI
  • Dummy Data: a!map function for easily replaceable dummy data

The Owner Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your property portfolio, displaying key statistics, visitor data, notifications, updates, and scheduled appointments. Clicking "See All" opens a calendar view of all appointments for the month. Selecting a property image brings up a detailed summary page with relevant information, using dummy data for demonstration.

Property Summary Includes:

  • Detailed property information
  • Investment figures and documents
  • Energy consumption data
  • Images and maintenance issues

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Total Properties Managed: Displays the total number of properties you manage. Currently, 3 properties.
  • Total Units: Tracks the total number of units within your properties, currently 12 units.
  • Occupancy Rate: Shows an 85% occupancy rate, with trend indicators for recent changes.

Financial Summary

  • Monthly Revenue: Highlights your revenue, totaling $28,500, with a month-by-month breakdown from January to May.
  • Monthly Expenses: Displays your expenses, currently $16,400, helping you track and manage costs.
  • Monthly Profit: Shows your net profit of $12,100, illustrated with a pie chart for monthly distribution.

Notifications and Trends

  • New Tenants: Reports a 5% increase in new tenants from April 1 to April 9.
  • Visitors Today: Tracks a 5% increase in visits today compared to May 2.
  • Visitors This Month: Shows a 5% increase in monthly visits from May 1 to April 9.
  • Bookings This Month: Monitors a 5% increase in bookings from April 2 to April 9.

Visitors Summary

  • Property Satisfaction: Bar chart of tenant satisfaction levels.
  • Visitor Sources: Pie chart of sources like Social Media and Referral Links.
  • Visitor Acquisition: Line graph of visitor acquisition trends over time.
  • Property Visitor Rate: Pie chart categorizing visitor activity.

Appointment Management

  • Appointments Section: Manage your schedule with details like a 10:00 AM viewing in the Modern Building.

Room Monitoring

  • Room Layout: Visual layout for quick status checks of rooms like the Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen, and Bathroom.

Property Performance Highlights

  • City View Villa: Currently occupied, generating $3,000/month.
  • Private House: Vacant, renting for $4,000/month.