
Connecting minds, creating opportunities – your professional network starts here.

This application ("Y-Connect" abbreviated form of Yexle - Connect), can be used as a social connecting platform, where in the colleagues can interact with each other.

  • They can share their raw thoughts, ideas, important updates in whichever form they want. The advanced rich text editor, will help employee frame their text in any desired format.
  • They can additionally wish anyone with existing templates of Birthday, Anniversary and to congratulate someone for winning a reward, which have some beautiful image document.
  • There are special features of reacting with emojis, and commenting over the posts as well.
  • It also shows the top contributors to motivate everyone to be social.
  • Additionally, you can delete the posts, comments, un-react on emojis & see the paginated posts.

So, showcasing the Appian's strong ability to maneuver with portability and re-usability, this application can be used by anyone, with ease.