First time login to appian and unique security token not working

I just attemped to log in for the first time to suite but i could not in fresh installed appian server.


I configured a temporary administrator account as said in

I tried both in

h t t p : / / appian . server . com:8080/suite/designer

h t t p : / /appian . server . com:8080/suite/admin

But no success

In browser responds:

I don't know if it's related but in console says:


19:16:18,134 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 78) 2017-05-02 19:16:18,130 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 78] ERROR com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.Connections.sec - An error occurred while trying to read the security token from "/home/appian_user/Programs/appian/ear/suite.ear/conf/appian.sec". No security token will be sent when connecting to engines.


And for that matter i named sec file as "" in <REPO_HOME>/ear/suite.ear/conf/ not in <APPIAN_HOME>. Is it correct?

Any suggestions?

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  • Make the changes to web.xml as mentioned in the following documentation:

    Restart the application server

    In case scheme is https and request is going through webserver then check the static content configuration defined at webserver level.

    Note: Only users of type System Administrator can access the Administration Console and make changes to the configurations. The Administrator user is specifically prohibited from accessing the Administration Console in order ensure that all changes can be traced to a specific named user rather than a shared account.
  • Initially I had https enabled. But now I changed it to http an did the thing of web.xml


    By default, session cookies are marked as "secure" and "httpOnly" for JBoss. If you change your url scheme to HTTP you will also need to adjust these defaults by removing the following lines from the session-config element in <APPIAN_HOME>\ear\suite.ear\web.war\WEB-INF\web.xml.







    But same result. appian.sec could not be found or read and could not login


  • Initially I had https enabled. But now I changed it to http an did the thing of web.xml


    By default, session cookies are marked as "secure" and "httpOnly" for JBoss. If you change your url scheme to HTTP you will also need to adjust these defaults by removing the following lines from the session-config element in <APPIAN_HOME>\ear\suite.ear\web.war\WEB-INF\web.xml.







    But same result. appian.sec could not be found or read and could not login


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