Logs In Cloud Environment

Hi All,

Reading Log file in cloud environment is very difficult, the data is not formatted and it is becoming a pain to search some entry within the file.

Is there any way by which we can sync the file with Notepad++ and format it properly (Currently I am able to open logs in Browser itself)?

Additional Query:

I am not able to find perf_monitor_db_<ENGINE-ACRONYM>_<TIMESTAMP>.csv and engine_summary.csv Logs in Appian cloud

I am trying to analyse the performance of our environment and collect the data, so require these logs



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  • Hi Prakhar,

    If you right click on the link to the specific log file, and select "Save Link As" you should get the option to download the specific log that you would like to inspect. Then you can use tools such as Excel (for csv files) and Notepad++ for textfiles to analyse and manipulate the logs.

    For the logs that you indicated that you can't find, have you tried looking under the "perflogs" directory?
  • Hi Tristan,

    Thank you for the response

    If I am trying to do "Save Target as" then its allowing me to save in .htm format and if I change the format to .csv or .txt after opening the downloaded document its showing some absurd data.

    Is there any way to directly sync to get runtime updates rather than refreshing and downloading the file again?

    In cloud Environment where I can get "perflogs" directory?

  • Hi Tristan,

    Thank you for the response

    If I am trying to do "Save Target as" then its allowing me to save in .htm format and if I change the format to .csv or .txt after opening the downloaded document its showing some absurd data.

    Is there any way to directly sync to get runtime updates rather than refreshing and downloading the file again?

    In cloud Environment where I can get "perflogs" directory?
