Creating New Users in Local Environment



I am working on an application on a local environment on my computer (which means I do not have a smtp server set up that can send out emails). In my app I have a "Create User" process model. I am running into trouble when creating new users because after I create them in the system I cannot log in as said new user. I know that they have successfully been created because they can be referenced by the user picker field in the app, but logging in as them requires a password, which has not been set on user creation. In addition, clicking the "forgot password" link at login doesn't work either because the application cannot successfully send out emails (due to the smtp server not being set up).

Any idea how I can work around this and log in as my test users I create?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Can you setup a dummy SMTP application on your local (i.e. papercut, smtp4dev, fakesmtp, etc)? In my experience it is pretty quick to configure and really helpful for local development.
  • alexander, I would suggest as eric stated and download a dummy SMTP application - something such as mailcatcher ( is very useful for sending out emails from Appian in a local/dev environment that you do not actually want sent out to potential real email addresses.
  • you can change the password of the user by setting in file with the properties:

    and then restart jboss....

    Also setting up smtp is easy. You can use gmail as an smtp: Create a dummy email account and use it for authentication with the following properties:


  • Is your goal here to test your process model that creates users as part of specific application functionality your are developing or to simply create users to test with regardless of the method?

    If the former, as well explained by the other responses, users created via process model require email or other methods to get or reset the passwords.

    If the goal is to simply create test users, you can use the Admin Console rather than your process model and you can define a temporary password on creation.