jboss not running

Hello team, 

Last week i was able to start server but today the lic got expired and when i tried to run standalong.bat i get error and jboss is not starting could you pelase look into the log and help me.

log attached 


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    in reply to Ashwin
    Do let us know what happens.

    Just a prerequisite check:
    You simply need to rename "suite.ear.failed" to "suite.ear.dodeploy" Example Path: "C:\appian18.1\appian\ear"
    and also delete "appian-mysql-ds.xml.undeployed" or "appian-mysql-ds.xml.failed" Example Path: "C:\appian18.1\appian\bin\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4\standalone\deployments"
    And then restart the Jboss server.

    Just in case :P