HTTP Code: 500 APNX-1-4198-000 Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error at function a!adminRouter: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 6: Expression evaluation error at function a!admin_getUsernameFromUuid_appian_internal [line 7]: The username _h-0000e183-a039-8000-6a00-011e94011e94_2 is not a valid user.
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a!adminRouter is not appian function what appian internal function only used by appian team to provide Admin interface. It's appearing for all.Please see the attachment
How to identify the user using UUID?
To identify the user, see Mike Schmitt's answer from this link:
I've copied his code below, which finds the user belonging to the UUID you're looking for, here referred to as ri!findUUID:
with( local!allUsers: getdistinctusers( cons!GROUP_CONTAINING_ALL_USERS ), local!allUUIDs: apply( fn!user( _, "uuid" ), local!allUsers ), local!lookupTable: joinarray( apply( fn!concat, merge( local!allUsers, repeat( length( local!allUsers ), " - " ), local!allUUIDs ) ), char(10) ), local!foundUser: index( local!allUsers, wherecontains( ri!findUUID, local!allUUIDs ) ), "Found: " & local!foundUser & char(10) & char(10) & "List:" & char(10) & local!lookupTable )