How to get End User IP Address?

As part of our application compliance requirement, we need to get the IP Address of the end user who uses our application. Do we have a way in Appian to fetch it?

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  • Hi - 

    Can you share your use case with us?

    the login-audit.csv log file collects IP addresses associated with user logins. 
    There's not component right now that makes it easy for an application developer to gather IPs any other way.

    If this is a significant issue for you, open a case with support so they can share the use case with Appian's product team.

  • Hi - 

    Can you share your use case with us?

    the login-audit.csv log file collects IP addresses associated with user logins. 
    There's not component right now that makes it easy for an application developer to gather IPs any other way.

    If this is a significant issue for you, open a case with support so they can share the use case with Appian's product team.
