Tomcat Server Not Starting

Dear All, 

How are you doing.

I am installing Appian Environment on my Local Machine, all the servers have started properly (Data Server, Search Server and Service Manager). Except for the Tomcat server, it is not giving any results at all. Not showing any errors and not showing any success results. I checked the Logs but to be honest, I could not understand anything from the logs......I will truly appreciate if any of you guys can help resolve this issue please It will be a huge favor. I attached screen shot of the command prompt for the tomcat server which is not responding at all. Please kindly, have a look at them and advice.

Thank in Advance

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  • Hi Mohamed , that window is normal on windows local machine , it will stay there unless you don't shutdown tomcat. All the output is sent to tomcat-stdOut.log file shown in the window . If started correctly you should have a line in file like this 

    2019-10-05 15:36:21.793 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 286923 ms

  • I was able to resolve the error, but right now. I am facing another error and I hope it is the last one. This is what I found in the tomcat log file, this is the error "ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console. Set system property 'log4j2.debug' to show Log4j2 internal initialization logging.". Kindly Advice if you have faced this error or heard of it before.

  • I was able to resolve the error, but right now. I am facing another error and I hope it is the last one. This is what I found in the tomcat log file, this is the error "ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console. Set system property 'log4j2.debug' to show Log4j2 internal initialization logging.". Kindly Advice if you have faced this error or heard of it before.
