hi guys,
does someone already played on configuring SAML with AzureAD as identity provider ? Looking at the documentation to me seem to be inverted.
Im confused with the terminology. When i did the same, the configuration parameters were opposite and some of the data were supplied by the application (Appian in this case)
for example how do you fill those fields ? (after i created an Enteprise Application for Appian in my AuzureAD)
Service Provider Name: ???
Service Provider Entity ID:sts.windows.net/MYTENANTID
any idea ?
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I've done this successfully, but it's been awhile so I don't recall many specific details.
I don't think the Service Provider Name really matters, and looking through my configurations, my Appian Entity ID matches the Identity/Entity ID in the Azure Application configuration. Redacting my exact values but below is an example of what I mean.
do you remember how what you put in: Username Attribute ?
i get an error, but its difficult to troubleshoot on the cloud version. Testing it from Azure, works
In my example, I have mine set to the default NameID field, which in Azure is mapped to user principal name by default (at least in my tenant).
What error are you getting?
my config on azure is like this:
Unique User Identifier is synonymous with NameID in this case. Drilling into the attributes configuration, you should see that Azure clarifies this like the following
So if you want to use that in Appian: leave the username configuration as NameID and make sure the account you use for confirming SSO has an Appian username matching the principal name in Azure.
i add how i resolved for helping the community in case will happen to others
i filled the attribute mapping with: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname
and not: givenname or user.givenname