Hi All, when running the status script on my installation that seems to be working fine, I get a 401 from the various status calls. Here is the output of the status command:
Detected Appian version from build.info GET request sent to appian-rt-wb-03.hc-sc.gc.ca:7070/.../status returned a 401 status code GET request sent to appian-rt-wb-03.hc-sc.gc.ca:7070/.../status returned a 401 status code GET request sent to appian-rt-wb-03.hc-sc.gc.ca:7070/.../status returned a 401 status code The service manager is not running. All engines are unavailable.
I have no problem using this installation and looking at processes, everything seems to be running (15 K processes, 4 q processes etc).
Has anyone seen this before and what to do to correct?
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