At present at "Appian Administration Console", to create a user, there are only two user types are available, "Basic User" and "System Administrator".Now to provide access to the Appian Database to a person, an user with "System Administrator" access permission is required to create. That case the person will get Read and Write both permissions to the Database. I want to create a user who will have only Read permission to the Appian Database. How can I do this? I shall be grateful if anyone kindly help me regarding this.
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AFAIK that is not supported.
For what purpose?
Actually I have to allow someone to investigate some data at Appian Production database but for security purpose I can not allow him to modify or delete any data. That is why I want to know how to provide read only access to Appian database.
As mentioned, I think this is currently not supported.
Maybe a DB export might help.