How to get sub process value in main process.

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

I have main process and calls sup process. Suppose sub process will iterate 10 time and each iteration it will generate new id. I want all new generated id by sub process in main process.

I have implemented output option in sub process but it return only last generated id by sub process.

It is possible to get all the id generated  by sub process in main process.



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Parents Reply
  • Hello!

    I understand what the colleague is mentioning. He wants to retrieve the 'outputs' from the subprocess instances into a single variable in the subprocess node. I have a similar need, and what's happening is that the output variable is being replaced with each execution, which is why only the last record is visible. The screenshot you show doesn't apply to a subprocess node because it doesn't have the 'data' tab.

    The output variables option in the configuration only has an '=' (equal) operator; there's no way to select an 'appended'

    thank you !

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