update data

Certified Associate Developer

hi i have one editable grid i fetch data from one table to that editable grid so in my table items quantity is fixed

so when i add items to that grid the fixed quantity is modified

example:when a user raised a request he order 10 items 

so when i accept the order the items of the fixed table is automatically updated so how can i do it

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to GopalK

    i will explain clearly

    iam doing inventory management application

    so i maintain one database for inventory items ihave fixed items with fixed quantity

    so when user order some items i get that data

    so when a approved for example user oeder 10 laptops so when i accept the order i need to automatically update quantity for exapmle quantity is 100  user order 10 so  next time  i got any order of laptops my quantity should be 90 so this is my reqirement so hoe can i do it
