Notification Digest

Certified Senior Developer

E-mail notifications are quickly driving everyone in our team crazy. While I can think of some workarounds, before I go about implementing that, I was wondering if there was any built in functionality to configure a sort of end of the day digest e-mail for any of the following:

- user input task notifications

- error messages

- emails from the send email smart service

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    HI Marco, As far as i know there is no OOTB functionality which can fulfill your requirement. But you can handle these notifications based on groups. you can have dedicated groups for receiving these notifications. like admin group for error messages, UIT notifcations for assignees.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to GopalK

    The error messages are during development, so the admin group is basically everyone in the system at that point. Yes we can reassign the notifications to the person developing the process or the initiator or whatever, but when we're testing we can see on the screen when we screwed up, so sending out an e-mail notification is almost insulting at that point. Then when we finish development, we have to remember to set the alerts to the right group, which is a step that is easy to forget. 

    And yes, we can assign the task e-mails to groups (they are) but the users could get many tasks a day which they can easily see by going into the app. They don't need a spam of e-mails to also let them know what they need to do in the app as well. 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to GopalK

    The error messages are during development, so the admin group is basically everyone in the system at that point. Yes we can reassign the notifications to the person developing the process or the initiator or whatever, but when we're testing we can see on the screen when we screwed up, so sending out an e-mail notification is almost insulting at that point. Then when we finish development, we have to remember to set the alerts to the right group, which is a step that is easy to forget. 

    And yes, we can assign the task e-mails to groups (they are) but the users could get many tasks a day which they can easily see by going into the app. They don't need a spam of e-mails to also let them know what they need to do in the app as well. 

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