a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { if( isnull(local!exportDocId), /*This link field contains the link that starts the export*/ a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: {a!richTextIcon( icon: "file-excel-o", color: "#6aa84f", size: "MEDIUM" )," ", a!richTextItem( text:"Export Customer Report to File", link:a!dynamicLink( label: "Export to Excel File", saveInto: { a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel( entity: cons!FS_ORDER_ENTITY_POINTER, documentName: "Excel Export " & now(), saveInFolder: cons!FS_constant, onSuccess: a!save( local!exportDocId, fv!newDocument ), /*This displays an error if there is an issue executing the the save*/ onError: a!save( local!errorMessage, "Error Exporting File to Excel" ) ) } ), size: "STANDARD" )
} ), {} ), a!linkField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", links: a!dynamicLink( label: "<<<Back", value: null, saveInto: local!exportDocId, showWhen:not(isnull(local!exportDocId)) ) ), if( /*This only displays the download link if a valid document was created*/ not(isnull(local!exportDocId)), /*This changes the link to a download link for the newly created document */ a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextIcon( icon: "download", size: "MEDIUM" )," ", a!richTextItem( text: "Download Customer Report", link:a!documentDownloadLink( label: "Download Excel File", document: local!exportDocId ), size: "STANDARD", style: "STRONG" )
} ), a!textField( value: local!errorMessage, readOnly: true ) ) } ), } )
This is the code am working with for this i want to pass filters so that what ever selecting data it has to show in the export to excel sheet to dwlg. Thanks in advance
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HI, You can use "filters" parameter in this smart service. You can use either logical expression or list of queryFliters. Something like below
a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel( entity: cons!FS_ORDER_ENTITY_POINTER, documentName: "Excel Export " & now(), saveInFolder: cons!FS_constant, filters:{ a!queryFilter() } onSuccess: a!save( local!exportDocId, fv!newDocument )