Get latest version number of many appian object via code

I want to get latest version number of 50+ appian objects. Is there a way to write some script to get there version number based on their names. Currently i had to open each objects manually and note its version number.

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  • This sounds like some development standard implemented by the company, which I would challenge - would be interested to hear the business logic behind it.

    You can easily compare deployment timestamps to version timestamps if needed, and object versions do not persist between environments - so an object with version 50 in dev will match the same object with say, version 12 in production.  

    We considered manually logging versions early on, but abandoned it for many reasons, and I have not needed anything like this in 13 years.  Just my $.02!

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris
    This sounds like some development standard implemented by the company, which I would challenge 

    Agreed - totally a case of (as i said already earlier in the other thread), "putting the cart before the horse" in a sense.

    Also, as an aside it'd be helpful to keep discussion about the same subject all in one thread, instead of starting new threads for something that's still basically the same topic...