Is it a bug or is there some other reason why my users cannot see records in Tempo or other places when I explicitly gave them permissions in the security configurations?
Is anyone else having this problem.
I don't want to run around with expressions if the option exist to give them at least viewer permission in the security configuration.
I have given permission on the record type, data store, site, interface ...
They still cannot view the record type, even though the tab is visible in Tempo
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I never had that issue. But, are you talking about Tempo, or about a sites page? Can you add a bit more detail?
Actually both. I created a test user, put him in a group and granted that group permission to view the record. The record is one of two records attached to the site.
The landing page is a record type the renders fine for him, but the other page will not let him see it. here is the error code.
The Requested Record Type Is Not Available Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = ] at function a!recordList: A grid component [label="null"] has an invalid value for "columns". A grid column [label="Image"] has encountered an error. Expression evaluation error at function a!imageField [line 11]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation (APNX-1-4198-000)
This doesn't seem to be necessarily a lack of rights to the record. What do you have in that image field? Are you trying to access user attributes in order to render that imageField (e.g. to display a user avatar)?
thanks Marco Amador I have no idea what imageField it is referring to.
I am displaying vehicles from the Acme Automobile Reference App and it is referencing database: aavehicle.
I did configure the document codes to render as images. but why would that affect a user's permission to see the record, I do not understand the connection.
If you comment that column from the grid, can you see the record? What I am suggesting is that it is not a permission issue to see the record, but to see an user's details or document. For instance if the document you're trying to access is in a folder not acessible by the user opening the record, you'd have that error in the grid.
Marco Amador
Hi Marco, do you mean remove the column or comment, and how would I comment the column?
I am going to remove it from the grid all together to see the response.
I think that the issue is not the permissions on the record, but the permissions on the folder in which the images reside. Did you check this?
yes thanks, i ended up removing the image field from the interface. the error msg said there was some conflict with the user trying to perform some operation in the image field.
after this was done i could see the interface render in the summary of Tempo.
However, I wand to see an image in the summary. It is there in the Acme app, so it is possible. I am thinking of some work arounds to make that happen.
thanks for keeping me on your radar.
That is easily possible. You just have to make sure that the user looking at the interface as the permission to see that image.