[RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.storage.StorageDoubleTimestamp - Incorrect type (java.sql.Date) for DateTime variable (2022-06-08). Expected Type: java.sql.Timestamp. Auto-correcting to "2022-0

Hi All,

Second error:

Appian environment went down and became very slow. From Appian admin we received the tomcat.std logs:

2022-11-22 03:00:07,489 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.storage.StorageDoubleTimestamp - Incorrect type (java.sql.Date) for DateTime variable (2022-06-08). Expected Type: java.sql.Timestamp. Auto-correcting to "2022-06-08 00:00:00.0"
2022-11-22 03:00:07,489 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.storage.StorageDoubleTimestamp - Incorrect type (java.sql.Date) for DateTime variable (2022-06-15). Expected Type: java.sql.Timestamp. Auto-correcting to "2022-06-15 00:00:00.0"
2022-11-22 03:00:11,412 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-1] INFO  com.appiancorp.record.service.quartz.LoggingTriggerListener - Trigger [group: record_load_group, name: 2] completed for job [group: record_load_group, name: 2]
2022-11-22 04:00:00,708 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-2] INFO  com.appiancorp.record.service.quartz.LoggingTriggerListener - Trigger [group: record_load_group, name: record_replica_reaper] fired for job [group: record_load_group, name: record_replica_reaper]
2022-11-22 04:00:01,105 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-2] INFO  com.appiancorp.record.service.quartz.LoggingTriggerListener - Trigger [group: record_load_group, name: record_replica_reaper] completed for job [group: record_load_group, name: record_replica_reaper]

Please help us whether this error can handled from Appian Developer or Appian Adminstration.


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    in reply to Sandeep

    Did you find the root cause for this issue?

  • Hi Ashwini,

    We have raised the Appian Support ticket and provided all the required logs to Appian support team.
    Based on analysis of logs, in our environment we found error process instances which are from long back, mostly we have deleted for the error process instances from Monitoring tab.

    Note: Process instances which are active should not be deleted. Only error process and cancelled process instance should be deleted so that it will free up some memory allocation and environment will work fast.

    Also check the Hardware configurations like CPU Cores, RAM and Storage for your environment from DevOps or Appian Administrator. if it is less means, plan the environment with Appian suggested Hardware upgrade.

    Please refer to the below community link for Hardware upgrade suggestions based on each environments like DEV, UAT and PROD.


    Let us know for more information needed.


  • In order to make it more efficient for all prod users you can also create an interface with a process report that will show all active processes and add this as a page to your site object so that whenever you see that some old process instance is active for a longer time, you can note its process id, add this to any number field then you can create a submit button to activate process model that deletes active processes when you don't need them anymore.