After Installation 7.5, there is no errors during the server starting but when I

After Installation 7.5, there is no errors during the server starting but when I want to go to Designer Mode (<%localserver%>/suite/designer) I am not able to see any other tab than Applications. In the log file there is an exception when it happends:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.appiancorp.suite.cfg.FeatureToggleConfiguration.isInterfaceDesignerEnabled()Z...



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  • Adam, Thank you so much for your help, as you mentioned I was using the same Application Server folder, so I was using 7.4 JSP files. In order to solve this I delete the folders located in: <%JBOSS_HOME%>\\standalone\          mp\\work and vfs and I did the create the suite.ear.dodeploy and ss.ear.dodeploy files and start again. So the new JSP files were deployed correctly and now is working.. Thank you so much once again.
  • Adam, Thank you so much for your help, as you mentioned I was using the same Application Server folder, so I was using 7.4 JSP files. In order to solve this I delete the folders located in: <%JBOSS_HOME%>\\standalone\          mp\\work and vfs and I did the create the suite.ear.dodeploy and ss.ear.dodeploy files and start again. So the new JSP files were deployed correctly and now is working.. Thank you so much once again.
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