Hello, I am upgrading form Appian 6.7.1 to 7.2 with latest hotfix (I think

I am upgrading form Appian 6.7.1 to 7.2 with latest hotfix (I think G now)
I think I have an email template issue with the migration guide. It states to go to the documents tab after loging into the upgraded version as the administrator. But I don't see a documents tab anywhere and don't know how to go into the , but I don't see it as an administrator.

I went to <APPIAN_HOME>/ear/suite.ear/web.war/dataload/smart-nodes/##!folder.email_templates/ to take a look at the header and footer files. Header was blank and footer had the following.
"This message has been sent by Appian"

Your response is very much appreciated.




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  • Hi Jason,

    Are you logging into http://<SERVER>:<PORT>/suite/designer (NOT /suite/tempo or /suite/apps) as Administrator (or a System Administrator)? Do you see any Navigation tabs once you login, such as "Home", "Tasks", "People", "Reports",...,"Documents",..?

    If you are missing the navigation tabs after logging into Designer Interface, it looks like is misconfiguration with navigation-config.xml after the upgrade. It could be possible that you forgot to copy the /_admin/ data from the previous Appian Installation to the newer one.

    1) In either case, can you change the URL to http://<SERVER>:<PORT>/suite/kc/1
    2) Go to System Knowledge Center -> Email Templates
    3) This directory should have the Email Header and Footer templates
  • Acutally I didn't know where to log into, but went to designer and there it is :) I will check it out. Thank you!