Security Testing - How to prevent Informative application error messages from application revealed

Certified Associate Developer


During a recent penetration testing it was found that our application is revealing informative application error messages. 

When I cross checked all the APIs we have implemented we have custom HTTP responses defined for all web API if the HTTP status code from the API response is 500. 

The Security analysis report describes the problem as following -

When sending a POST request to  =>      /suite/rest/a/logging/latest/csp/report with malformed input parameter, the server response included debug information. This can enable an attack to refine their attack strategies.

As per the standard remedial for this kind of issues I have created few custom error html pages for 404, 500 for e.g. and edited the httpd.conf file in the apache web server to point to these custom htmls...something like this ....

ErrorDocument 500 /errors/500.html

ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404.html

But this doesn't seem to work and Appian is still giving the same response as earlier. I have even tried the edit the web.xml to map the error htmls for 404 & 500 errors. That too didn't help. Please suggest.

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