Hello All,
I'm trying to search and unarchive one of the process model instance but command is getting timed out, please let me know if anyone faced the same issue earlier?
sh /opt/appian/server/_scripts/tools/archiveprocess.sh search -pmuuid 0002e96b-2552-8000-96d5-014d98014d98 -pstarted '20240315*'
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What is the count of the unarchived processes in the list where it is searching?
The timeout limit for the archiveprocess.sh script can be increased. You can find instructions for doing this in the Appian documentation https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/24.1/Managing_Process_Archives.html.If unsure of exact start date, use -pstarted '202403*' to search all of March 2024.
-pstarted '202403*'
Please let me know steps t increase the timeout limit for the script?
yes, I have used the -pstarted aling with pm uuid to search the process instance.
I'm trying to search the instance which is archived.
count of unarchived processes? you mean the instances from monitoring?
I was trying to understand if the list is pretty long for Appian to search within and hence it is getting timed out
This may be helpful
This issue is resolved, archived instance details are logged in archival file even session is timed out.
Thanks for all the responses.