Fixing "# of unattended process loops" in health check report for a PM which is run as a batch


    I have got 2 mentions of my Process model in a health check report which 2 weeks ago 

# of unattended process loops
"PM Name " (UUID of PM ) -> "gateway for a loop" ((more...)
"PM Name" (UUID of PM ) -> "sub process node" (11 node(more...)

  1. I couldn't really comprehend , what  "# of unattended process loops" really means ? Can someone explain it in simple terms ?
  2. At the moment , I am not sure whether this error is reported every time a health check is run , we run health checks  weekly in our organisation. waiting to see whether this error always occurs
  3.  what does the 11 nodes above means ? does this means active nodes in the instance ?  do they count gateways also as nodes ?
  4. Any idea whether , we can see "# of unattended process loops" in any of the system logs ? If so , which log ?
  5. Any pointer on how to fix the issue?  The PM in question , iterates over a number of DB records , makes an integration call to API , and writes back to certain tables.
  6. As the the instance is only kept 1 day before deletion , I am unbale  to analyse any active instances of this PM .  

Thanks in Advance,


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