Hi, can anyone help on my query. recently my personal instance got upgraded and when i trying to create table using Cloud Database but i am unable to see Cloud DB from 6 Dots of Menu in right side next to setting option. And, also not able to create new CDT, DS(Data Store) objects in current Appian designer.
is there any specific restriction there for Appian 24.3 version of my personal cloud instance. this is stopping to me getting Hands on exp on Appian Codeing.
Appian Version 24.3
Kishore N
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Hi do you mean appian practise instance? If So that’s by design. Appian has changed the way instances are being provided to users for practice and for security reason you can’t see these 3.
you shall be able to complete the practise excerise by using record type instead of CDTs
Hi Agniwesh,
Yes, Appian practice instance. yup i can use record type object but without cloud DB access how i can create tables and create records in designer. do we have any other alternate way to access cloud DB from my personal instance? since, without table we cannot create record type right.
You can create tables using record object. Check
other post on this issue as well for more suggestions
That's okay but without database or cdts we don't have much option to understand it many place our tutor teach by database or cdt with connecting everything like record type or process model if someone teach me for 15 min with creating record type for database and and use in all places like how my tutor uses the cloud database and cdts in every place like process model , record type and action ,view and links so it will helpful for me and many students just help me with creating with cloud database just create with record type and use everywhere just teach me that only