Issue upgrading Appian from v22.4 to v24.3

Certified Lead Developer
Hi all,
I am writing with regards to an issue that we have found while upgrading from Appian 22.4 to Appian 24.3 in both the Dev and Test environments.

We followed the procedure described in the documentation and found no issues during the upgrade process. However, when starting the Appian engines, we noticed the 3 analytics engines and the 3 execution engines were in CRASHLOOPBACKOFF state. The other engines were in RUNNING state as expected.
We resolved the issue running the recovery script with these parameters:
./ -p <password> -s <failing_engines> -ni
 Then, the engines started correctly, and all the servers started up fine as well. However, the exiting process instances had disappeared from the Appian design view.
Is there any way to refine the parameters used in the recovery script or another solution to recover the engines in CRASHLOOPBACKOFF state? As the same issue has happened in the Dev and Test environments we are concerned that it could happen again in production, where we dont want to lose running instances.
Kind regards,


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  • CRASHLOOPBACKOFF state usually occurs when there is a problem with the sync of the engines..In that situation the only way to recover the system is the recovery script, and you will always loose information....

    As a recomendation, always backup your instances, (and if possible database), and stop servers and engines following the order stablished (tomcat, search-server,. data-server, services)....

  • CRASHLOOPBACKOFF state usually occurs when there is a problem with the sync of the engines..In that situation the only way to recover the system is the recovery script, and you will always loose information....

    As a recomendation, always backup your instances, (and if possible database), and stop servers and engines following the order stablished (tomcat, search-server,. data-server, services)....

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