1) Which log file is used to view users' activity like password Chage, user type change, reactivate/deactive, username change?
2) Which log file to view the process failure in detail?
3) Log file to view the user login audit?
4) Log file to give details about slow queries?
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Did you check the list of log files in the documentation?
Refer this link System Logs - Appian 24.4
I appreciate your support, both of you. I got the required information.
1) Which log file is used to view users' activity like password Change, user type change, reactivate/deactivate, username change? System log/Audit/password_resets.csv,user_management.csv.....
2) Which log file to view the process failure in detail? System log/design_errors.csv
3) Log file to view the user login audit? System log/login-audit.csv
4) Log file to give details about slow queries? System log/perf_monitor_rdbms.csv